{(set: $waterDrunk to 0)
(set: $emailsSent to 0)
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
} (text-size: 0.8)+(align: "=><=")+(box: "X")[ [[PARANORMAL BITCH QUEEN SIMULATOR 2007]] ]
(align:"=><=")+(text-colour:purple)+(text-size:2)[⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆]The light hurts your eyes.
Squinting, you make out a message on [[Zonderchat]]. God, it's one of those copy-paste emails. "SEND TO TEN FRIENDS OR MUDDY BARRY WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT IN THE NIGHT," blah blah, you know the ones.
[[But this one is different.]]{(set: $waterDrunk to it + 1)
(if: $waterDrunk <= 1)[Mm! Refreshing! ]
(if: $waterDrunk is 2)[Slurp!]
(if: $waterDrunk is 3)[God you love water //so much//. Best drink in the world!]\
(if: $waterDrunk is 4)[Now you need to pee.]
(if: $waterDrunk <= 3)[
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]
](if: $waterDrunk >= 4)[
[[Go piss]]
[[Check the computer|computer piss]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep|sleep piss]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from|dream piss]]]If only it were that easy. You haven't slept well since...well, since last summer.
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep|turn 2]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]A body on the ground. Red spillage soaking into dirt.
The girl--you know her.
You don't like this dream. It feels too real. It reminds you too much of [[what happened last summer]].
{(set: $waterDrunk to it - $waterDrunk)
}You go to the bathroom and relieve yourself. Tinkle tinkle. Much better!
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]You go over to the computer but the need to piss is blurring your vision. You can't see what's on the screen.
[[Go piss]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|piss death]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep|sleep piss]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from|dream piss]]You try to sleep but you can't. The pressure in your bladder is like an unwelcome lifeboat, saving you from the depths of sleep when you don't even want to be saved.
[[Go piss]]
[[Check the computer|computer piss]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|piss death]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from|dream piss]]You think sooooo hard but you can't focus, you need to pee //really bad//.
[[Go piss]]
[[Check the computer|computer piss]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|piss death]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep|sleep piss]]Glug glug, water-slut!
You piss yourself. But even so, you can't seem to stop. The glass is a siren's call, luring you to the brink of destruction with its promise of salvation. And yet, it offers only false promises and [[broken dreams]].
The glass of water is an endless cornucopia. As you slurp down every last morcel of its sweet sweet juice, you feel yourself becoming one with the divine. You are a being of pure light.
You feel the universe around you working in perfect harmony, and suddenly, //finally//, everything makes sense.
You shudder. You cry. Rivulets of water stream down your naked body.
[[You take another sip from the glass|resurrection]]You drank too much water.
Now you're nothing but a waterlogged corpse on the bed. Another victim of hubris.
Luckily you know how to [[resurrect yourself]]. (Your grandmother taught you.)Your bed may be full of piss, but at least you're alive.
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|nope!]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]{(if: visits is 7)[You eat the glass. The shards rip up your insides and you bleed to death in a horrible, bloody massacre. The end.]
(if: visits <=6)[It's empty.]
(if: visits >=8)[The glass is still empty.]}
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|nope!]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]You are but a slave to the wetness within the glass. It is your golden nectar, your mother's milk. It is the bringer of life and death. You have no choice, and even if you did you wouldn't take any other, would you?
[[You take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table|piss death finale]]The gates are locked. We do not think about what happened last summer.
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]What's that song again? It kinda goes like dun-dun dun-dun...
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep|turn 3]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]You've turned over too many times and rolled off the bed. Thunk.
Whoopsies! You're just so silly.
[[Silly silly goose gets back into bed]]You should have you're own sitcom really, you jester!
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]A sketchy message board you found the other day, filled with degenerate scum and a few catgirls. Day-glo green, primary colors, badly incorporated images. Oh yes, that's the stuff.
The internet is so new, [[you barely even know what a catgirl is]].
[[Back|Check the computer]]Liar. Everyone knows about catgirls.
[[You promise never to lie again|Check the computer]]//[[SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]] OR [[MELODY HANSON]] WILL POSSESS YOUR MORTAL FORM!!! REAL!!! DO NOT DELETE!!!//You're sweating and shaking but yeah, you could send it to ten friends. Just in case.
(visited: "Send to Lora")[ [Send to Lora] ](else:)[ [[Send to Lora]] ]
(visited: "Send to Anna")[ [Send to Anna] ](else:)[ [[Send to Anna]] ]
(visited: "Send to Josh")[ [Send to Josh] ](else:)[ [[Send to Josh]] ]
(visited: "Send to Zachary")[ [Send to Zachary] ](else:)[ [[Send to Zachary]] ]
(visited: "Send to Brianna")[ [Send to Brianna] ](else:)[ [[Send to Brianna]] ]
(visited: "Send to Rosa-marie")[ [Send to Rosa-marie] ](else:)[ [[Send to Rosa-marie]] ]
(visited: "Send to Alexia")[ [Send to Alexia] ](else:)[ [[Send to Alexia]] ]
(visited: "Send to Thomas")[ [Send to Thomas] ](else:)[ [[Send to Thomas]] ]
(visited: "anna 2")[ [Send to Anna] ](else:)[ [[Send to Anna|anna 2]] ]
(visited: "Send to Owen")[ [Send to Owen] ](else:)[ [[Send to Owen]] ] ]
(if: $emailsSent is 10)[ (align:"=><=")[ [[Shit.]]] ]It has to be a coincidence. [[Right?]]The gates to the memories you DON'T THINK ABOUT shudder, tremble.
Unnamed horrors held back by thin stakes of metal. Raw meat and red. Churning. Gnashing. Yearning to consume everything that you are. And you are not much.
//[[SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]] OR [[MELODY HANSON]] WILL POSSESS YOUR MORTAL FORM!!! REAL!!! DO NOT DELETE!!!//(set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//From: loralovesj3sus@hottiemail.com
My dear classmate,
Promoting these kinds of heathonistic messages is a sin. I beg you to repent! Although I fear you are already on the road to hell, I might be able to assist. Come to [[bible study]] after class. ^_^
Love and Blessings,
2 Corinthians 5:7//
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//From: josho69@hottiemail.com
Yooooooooo. don't we go to class together? you got a number??? ;)//
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]
[[Give him your number]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//No response.//
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//From: breebee7@hottiemail.com
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//From: rosamarieiscool@hottiemail.com
Don't email me again.
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $waterrunk to it + 1)
MORE!! [[Slurp!]]
(if: $waterrunk >= 5)[
]It's 2007. You wake up at 2AM with the radio still spewing Kesha songs.
In the corner, your chunky desktop computer spills blue light across the floor. Strange, you remember turning it off.
[[Check the computer]]
[[Take a sip of water from the glass on the bedside table]]
[[Turn over and try to go back to sleep]]
[[Try to remember the dream you woke up from]]The only people less popular than you are the kids in bible study.
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//No response.//
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//No response.//
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)\
(visited: "anna 2")[Aw shit. You already sent one to Anna.](else:)[from: annabananabell@hottiemail.com
Hey pal,
Sorry someone made something like this. It's really gross of them. I know you get paranoid but I wouldn't worry about sending this along. It's just a sick joke.
Let me know if you wanna talk, or if you want me to hunt down the bitch who thought this would be funny ;)
Love xxoo
[[Reread the message]] ]
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](set: $emailsSent to it + 1)//from: tommyb0yy@hottiemail.com
hey, i haven't heard from u in a while. do u wanna hang sometime soon?
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]
[[Reply yes]]You send an email back to Thomas agreeing to meet soon.
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]That was really sweet of her. Your eyes feel a bit hot - allergies no doubt. It's been ages since you guys last hung out.
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]
(set: $emailsSent to it + 1)\
(visited: "Send to Anna")[Aw shit. You already sent one to Anna.](else:)[from: annabananabell@hottiemail.com
Hey pal,
Sorry someone made something like this. It's really gross of them. I know you get paranoid but I wouldn't worry about sending this along. It's just a sick joke.
Let me know if you wanna talk, or if you want me to hunt down the bitch who thought this would be funny ;)
Love xxoo
[[Reread the message]] ]
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]](align: "=><=")+(box: "X")[ (text-size:2)[☠︎︎] [[You only have nine friends]] (text-size:2)[☠︎︎] ]Anna was probably right. It was just a prank. There was no reason to worry. Just some sick joke by some sicko with no life [[and-]](t8n: "fade")[The computer goes dark.]
(t8n: "fade")+(after: 1s)[The music stops.]
(t8n: "fade")+(after:2s)[Your phone rings.]
(t8n: "fade")+(after:3s)[Pick up the phone]\
(click-replace: "Pick up the phone")[ (float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-color: purple)[(t8n:"fade-right")["fuck, where am I??"]
(after: 5s)+(t8n:"fade-right")[...]
(after: 6s)+(t8n:"fade-right")["hello???"]
(after: 9s)+(t8n:"fade-right")["i know you can hear me"] ] \
(after: 11s)+(t8n:"fade")[ [[You know that voice]] ] ]
Melody Hanson, your beloved sister.
(after: 2s)+(t8n: "fade")[Melody Hanson, most popular girl in school, adored by all.]
(after: 4s)+(t8n: "fade")[Pretty. Popular. Charming.]
(after: 6s)+(t8n: "fade")[#1 candidate for prom queen.]
(after: 8s)+(t8n: "fade")[Everything you weren't.]
(after: 9s)+(t8n: "fade")[...]
(after: 11s)+(text-color: red)+(t8n: "flicker")[//[[Melody Hanson, dead at 17.]]//]{(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
$melody["answer me bitch"]
}(after: 2s)+(align:"=><=")[ [[Respond]] ]
(after: 3s)+(align:"=><=")[ [[Hang up]] ]
(align:"=><=")+(text-size:10)+(text-color: #f90f99)[ (t8n: "fade-right")[🖁] ]
{(align:"=><=")+(text-color: #f90f99)+(t8n: "fade")[>>]
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
(click: ">>")[$you["melody?"]]
(click: ">>")[$melody["r u actually dumb"]]
(click: ">>")[$you["so this isnt..."]]
(click: ">>")[$melody["OFC ITS ME U DUMB FUCK"]]
(click: ">>")[$melody["am i in your cell??"]]
(click: ">>")[$you["uh"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["nevermind. don't answer that"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["i can tell from your stupid crackly voice"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["...whats going on"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["get yourself together"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["god, i must have misfired and ended up in here"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["misfired?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["keep up!"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["i was trying to possess //you//"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["not ur dumb phone"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[//"YOU WERE TRYING TO POSSESS ME????"//] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["calm down, jesus"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["what's a little possession between friends?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[//"I'M NOT ONE OF YOUR FUCKING [[GROUPIES!!]]"//] ]
}You hang up the phone.
[[It starts ringing again.]]//Buzz-buzz.//
What's that? [[You check your phone.]](t8n: "fade-right")[//Boi-oi-oing!// 8==D]
(after: 1s)+(t8n: "fade")[Surprise! He's sent you a dick pic.
[[Delete it]]
[[Save it]]
[[Send one back]] ]Your pure mind would never tolerate this FILTH. Who does he think you are?
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]This could come in handy later...
[[Send another|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]]You snap a pic of your dick and send it.
(after: 2s)+(t8n: "fade-right")[//Buzz-buzz.//]
(after: 3s)+(t8n: "fade-right")["wow....didn't know u were chill like that😳"]
(after: 5s)+(t8n: "fade")[Whuh-oh. It seems like he's into it.]
(after: 7s)+(t8n: "fade")[ [[Send another email|SEND TO 10 FRIENDS]] ]
You turn it off.
Somehow, it keeps ringing.
[[Throw the phone on the floor and stomp on it]]
[[Take out the battery]]You stomp on the phone with all your might. The screen cracks and pieces of the pink plastic exterior fly across the floor.
It still. Keeps. Ringing.
You collect the pieces of phone into a pile on the floor and [[answer it|Respond]].It takes a moment but you manage to pry the battery out. The phone goes silent. Phew.
Then- //Ring-ring.//
Like one of those haunted furbies, even taking out the battery couldn't stop the horrors.
[[Answer the phone|Respond]]
They followed her around like lemmings. She'd say jump they'd say how high.
She'd say "that skirt is ugly" and they'd say "I'm so sorry for offending your eyes, my queen" and burn the skirt in their garage.
{(align:"=><=")+(text-color: #f90f99)+(t8n: "fade")[>>]
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
(click: ">>")[$melody["hold on, i think i've worked it out"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["worked what out?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["shh"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["just hold still for a moment"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[//"MELODY"//] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[//"NO POSSESSION!"//] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["UGH fine."] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["i don't know how else you're expecting me to find my killer, but whatever"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["um YOU'RE DEAD??? //I DON'T THINK ANYONE'S EXPECTING MUCH OF YOU//"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["you would say that wouldn't you"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["you don't know what it's like"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["to be dead? no shit."] ]
(click: ">>")[There's a strange muffled sound on the other end.]
(click: ">>")[$you["are you...crying?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["..."] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["..no"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["listen, I won't possess you. BUT ONLY IF"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["you help me find who did this to me"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["right"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["and what am i supposed to do if i //do// find them?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["take them the fuck out"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["obviously"] ]
(click: ">>")[(go-to: "convo pt 3")]
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
}Death had not made her any more agreeable.
(link: "Persuade her to leave you alone")+(replace: ?c1)[$melody["you're not getting rid of me that easily"] ]
(link: "Threaten her")+(replace: ?c1)[$melody["HAH. I am a supernatural being now and you're just a tiny, useless human. what exactly are you gonna do, huh?"]]
(link: "Kiss ass")+(replace: ?c1)[$melody["nice try, but you are NOT cool enough to pull that trick off"] ]
(more:)[(link: "You've run out of options and must agree to her demands.")+(replace: ?c1)[$melody["it's good to hear you have at least one braincell left"]
(text-color: #f90f99)+(align:"=><=")[>>]] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["so here's the deal"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["I don't think I can stay in a non-human host for more than,, idk..."] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["five days?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["either you find out who tf did this to me"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["or say goodbye to control over your mortal flesh"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["forever."] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["melody you can't do that"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["i can and will"] ]
(click: ">>")[$you["what about me???"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["me me me! what, you only care about yourself?"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["be fr"] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody["out of the two of us, who had the potential to actually do something with their life?"] ]
(click:">>")[$you["..."] ]
(click:">>")[$you["I don't want to die, melody"] ]
(click:">>")[$melody["neither did I"] ]
(click:">>")[(go-to: "the aftermath")]
Heebee jeebies.
(replace: ?c2)[\
Okay last attempt.
(link: ">>")+(replace: ?c2)?a1
]Melody hangs up.
You are left with a reeling head, a mission, and, (unless you can somehow track down a killer even the police couldn't find), five days left to live before Melody kicks you out of your own body like a greedy landlord.
Otherwise known as just a normal landlord.
Sounds like it's time to get some sleep.
[[Go to bed]]
[[Stay awake until you go a little bit insane]]You crawl into bed and pull the covers tight around yourself, [[passing out immediately|morning]].You stay awake until morning. Your teeth chatter, your eyes are trying to escape your head.
(text-size:5)+(text-style: "fidget")[(𓁹 𓁹)]
Gain one point of (text-style: "fidget")[madness.]
[[Next day|morning]]{
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
}Morning arrives too soon. Along with sunlight streaming through the curtains comes a series of text messages.
(click: ">>")[$melody[it's one of the people running for prom queen] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[like, for //surezies//] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[they're the only ones ruthless enough to resort to murder] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[everyone else had no reason to kill me] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[I was BELOVED] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[you hear me??? //B-E-L-O-V-E-D.//] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[okaaayyy. i get it. people like you] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[whoopdee fucking doo] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[you say that as if you wouldn't kill to be in my shoes] ]
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
(set: $you to (align:"==>")+(float-box: "===X","Y")+(text-color: green)+(t8n:"fade-left"))
}Morning arrives too soon. Along with sunlight streaming through the curtains comes a series of text messages.
(align: "=><=")[>>]
(click: ">>")[$melody[it's one of the people running for prom queen] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[like, for //surezies//] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[they're the only ones ruthless enough to resort to murder] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[everyone else had no reason to kill me] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[I was BELOVED] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[you hear me??? //B-E-L-O-V-E-D.//] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[okaaayyy. i get it. people like you] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[whoopdee fucking doo] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[you say that as if you wouldn't kill to be in my shoes] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[you were there at the bonfire that night weren't you?] ]
(click: ">>")[$you[...yeah] ]
(click: ">>")[$melody[and you didn't see anything?] ]
(click: ">>")[The questions send your head reeling. The bonfire, that night, everything you wish you could forget suddenly staring you right in the face. What you do know is this: all the [[prom queen candidates]] were there, along with a few other nobodies like yourself who somehow got an invite.]
}//(text-size: 1.3)+(text-style: "bold")+(text-color: "yellow")[MEET THIS YEARS CANDIDATES FOR PROM QUEEN!]
First up we have the (text-color: black)[ [[Parson Twins!]] ] Two for the price of one!
Next is the ever affable (text-color: #3ad4ba)[ [[Caleb]] ], your resident femboy extraordinaire--popular with the guys and the gals!
(text-color: #4316a5)[ [[Yumi Nakamura]] ], the coolest kid around!
And of course, everyone and their mother knows (text-color: #c63277)[ [[Tessa St. Claire!]] ]
(text-color: #eaaa58)[ [[Brooke Barlow]] ], running to spread the word of Jesus Christ--how honorable!
And finally we have (text-color: #9c5a2d)[ [[Rowan Villafaña]] ]...does anyone really know why she's running? How mysterious!//
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
}(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//VOTE CALEB FOR PROM QUEEN
(you know you want to ;) )
Putting the QUEEN in Prom Queen, vote Caleb Marzden, prettiest boy around :3//]
//(Here is a picture of Caleb looking prettier than you'll ever be. He's wearing a tennis skirt and fishnets, long brown hair framing his pouty lip and deep brown eyes. At his feet is his hot, jock boyfriend [[Sammy]]. Caleb has one foot on his shoulder as Sammy appears to beg for Caleb's attention.) //{
(click: "prettiest")+(replace: ?c4)[$melody[my biggest rival. eat dirt, caleb.] ]
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
}(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//❤︎TESSA FOR PROM QUEEN❤︎
This year, my dear friend Melody passed away in a tragic accident. She was the number one candidate for prom queen, and as her best friend I feel it is my solemn duty to wear the crown in her honor.
A vote for me is a vote for the memory of Melody Hanson. Rest in peace, Melody//⚰️😔//
You will be missed.// ❤︎❤︎❤︎]
(Here is a picture of Tessa dressed in all black, complete with an mini skirt and fishnets, languishing on Melody's gravestone. Her butterfly locs are draped in a flowing black veil. It's absolutely blasphemous, and yet somehow kind of iconic? You fear her tactics are working.){
(click: "in her honor")+(replace: ?c3)[$melody[disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the one who did me in] ]
(click: "Melody Hanson")+(replace: ?c3)[$melody[using MY name to garner sympathy votes??] ]
(click: "gravestone")+(replace: ?c3)[$melody[get off my gravestone u whore] ]
(click: "accident")+(replace: ?c3)[$melody[sure tessa, accident!] ]
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//Rowan doesn't seem to have a poster. In fact, you can barely remember what she looks like.
You have the vague impression of a brown haired girl with her feet up on the desk, but that could be someone else.
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//{
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
}(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//VOTE ☆SABRINA☆ AND ✧˖°SAHARA✧˖°
Get more for your money, vote for the twins!
A kiss on the cheek for anyone who votes for us, that's a Parson promise//😋🤭]
(Here is a picture of the two sisters in a back-to-back Charlie's Angels style pose. Sabrina is decked out in pinks and plaid, blowing a kiss at the viewer, while Sahara is in full goth garb, looking like she'd sooner kill you than kiss you.){
(click: "kiss on the cheek")+(replace: ?c4)[$melody[credit where it's due, that's stellar marketing] ]
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//Vote Yumi for Prom Queen, or whatever.
Do what you want I guess.//]
//(Here is a picture of Yumi wearing shades, flipping off the camera. She looks cool, almost too cool. Part of you thinks it must be an [[act]].)//{
(set: $melody to (t8n:"fade-right")+(float-box: "X===","Y")+(text-style: "smear")+(text-color: purple))
}(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[//♱♱♱JESUS LOVES THOSE WHO VOTE BROOKE FOR PROM QUEEN♱♱♱
As your prom queen, I vow to humbly take under my wing the student body, and guide them towards the pure and loving light of Christ Our Lord. For too long the students of this school have suffered the beguiling influence of the Devil, been taken by his false promises of glory, and found themselves lost among clouds of doubt and temptation.
I promise you Clarity, Purity, and Freedom from Suffering.//]
(Here is a picture of Brooke, dressed in white robes with her blond hair in angelic ringlets. She holds her hands together in prayer, looking piously up towards the heavens. Another picture of her is superimposed over the rest of the image, with her reaching towards the viewer, offering her hand.){
(click: "white robes")+(replace: ?c4)[$melody[who does she think she is, jesus himself?] ]
(click: "humbly")+(replace: ?c4)[$melody[there's something wrong with that girl for sure ] ]
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//
Caleb and Sammy are one of the hottest couples in school. Everyone knows about their swoon-worthy romance. The captain of the football team and the delicate pretty boy? It was a match made in heaven.
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//Beneath the poster are several post its saying things like "I LOVE YOU YUMI!!!" and "BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS YOU IS AN HONOR YUMI."
What lies beneath the surface of that smooth exterior? Surely she can't be as perfect as she appears. But everyone seems to buy into it, and you haven't had any reason to question it until now.
//[[Meet your prom queen candidates!|prom queen candidates]]//Hello! Welcome to the end of the sample. This project was written and designed by Rory Kranz. To check out more of my work, please visit my website at www.rorykranz.com.
Hope you've enjoyed! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
xxoo rory